Welcome to
The Plantation
The Plantation is... your new home.
Picture a beautiful white
antebellum mansion in the old South, surrounded by cypress trees.
Genteel folk sit on the wide verandah sipping mint juleps served by...
YOU ain't supposed to be lookin' at the verandah.
Boy, you'd better turn yo' head real quick-like and get back in your
place in that shack before the massah sees you.
The verandah's only for the house slaves an' you ain't one of 'em,
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Where do you really live? In a house?
Where else do you live?
And where do you work?
How much time to you spend looking at this computer screen? Don't you
also live part of your life right here?
Don't you experience a significant part of your world through this
little window?
If so, then is this window on your world as open as your access to the
physical world is open? Or is it rather controlled?
Is this part of your life -- this window on the world that keeps
growing in importance -- is it controlled by someone you don't really
understand? Someone you don't concern yourself with?
Who's the massah of this
window, anyway?
If your physical world -- your home and your kids schools and your
neighborhood etc. -- consisted of images and words that were controlled
by large distant organizations, you would assert your right to be free
of such manipulation, wouldn't you? After all, our freedom comes from
our willingness to assert our right to freedom.
I was prompted to write this page when I read an article in by Dr.
William Douglas relating his experience running a clinic in Uganda in
the 1/8/07 edition of his Daily Dose medical
"I barely got out of there with my life. Such are the rewards of
attempting to help those who will not help themselves by overthrowing
their ineffectual leadership... "
Let's be blunt. Our passive acceptance of what happens in our computers has led to their control by a gang
of corrupt organizations.
Are we talking about botnets, those networks built by planting malware
in your computer to turn it into a server of spam and more malware?
Sure, that's part of it. But there's more to it.
Why is your computer so receptive to malware? How did such a bad design
get so widely accepted by the public?
The simple answer is that the software that comes installed on your
computer and the software you buy and install was designed to
accommodate two very shady groups:
The FUD Clubs
the Cookie Clubs.
Are you familiar with FUD?
Most computer industry professionals are
very familiar with the use of the FUD Factor: Fear, Uncertainty and
If you have never heard of FUD then you are in precisely the same
situation as that slave on the plantation who only imagines what goes
on in that mansion when da massah and his cronies get together to smoke
cigars, sip mint juleps, and manage oppression. FUD
is at the core of computer marketing strategies.
"Those folks in the shacks down on the plantation have no idea what's
going on and they's no reason to tell 'em. If we keep it confusing it
just confirms their belief that this software stuff is too complicated
for them to understand. They'll leave it to me, da massah, and mah friends."
Then da massah picks a few particluarly docile slaves, trains them on
getting around obstacles deliberately
placed in the software, and certifies them. Since the massah can't be
everywhere, his domestic slaves keep an eye on things for him. If your
computer doesn't work you call a certified mansion slave. He's paid his
tribute to da massah, he knows the magic fix. The FUD clubs make sure
that what happens in your computer, what you see on the screen, the
tools you are given to work with -- all of them work together to ensure
that you stay down on The Plantation. Their plantation.
The cookie clubs are just as bad. Members of the cookie clubs share information about you behind
the scenes. You know, they place innocent cookies in your computer that
by themselves only connect a session in their records with your
particular machine. Not much information there.
It's when the members of a cookie club get together to share the
information that they got from the cookies they planted in your
computer that each one gets a complete picture of everything you do
online. Some of them come to the cookie club table with information
gleaned from "adware" that they planted in your computer. Adware is
really just a nice name for spyware. Nothing is off limits to spyware,
including bank account numbers and passwords, if they can find them.
Reputable companies don't steal bank account numbers and passwords, of
course. Reputable companies simply see to it that your computer's
software enables manipulation and spying. Of course when the real
crooks come in behind them to steal your money, those companies that
ensured that your computer was wide open to spyware become suddenly oh
so concerned about your security. "Here, our new anti-spyware package
will protect you, just click here and enter your credit card number and
you can download it right away..."
Well, that's pretty bad, isn't it. But hey, we invited the FUD clubs
and the cookie clubs into this part of our life by being so passive
about the online spaces that we inhabit.
Imagine if your home were managed this way. Imagine if you left your
doors open to any company that claimed to be able to come in and rewire
your house, change the appliances around, move some walls, go into your
desks and file cabinets, examine their contents, place a few pieces of
paper in there for their own use next time they decide to barge in,
etc. Would you tell them, "you really know more about household
management than I do, so I trust you to do whatever needs doing. You
don't even need to inform me that you were in there."
That's just what we offered the "reputable" organizations that "manage" the online facilities that we inhabit.
That would be bad enough. But what we have now is worse than anything that was imagined by the FUD and cookie
Very simply, what we have in our computers now is organized crime. There's a good chance
that your computer is running software that makes it part of a
worldwide organized crime network.
The organized crime cartels that operate the botnets are surely beyond
any of the kind of FUD and cookie clubbing that the sotware vendors had
in mind. The software vendors may be willing to lie to make a buck, but
they're not thugs. At least they don't like to think of themselves as
thugs. They just got mixed up in the wrong crowd over the years - they
didn't notice it was happening. They opened up your computer for their
lesser mayhem and then gradually they lost control. Things got a bit
out of hand.
The folks you got your software from would tell you how very sorry they
are, but their apology would be used in court to prove their guilt.
Instead they put advertising in your face telling you how hard they're
working to keep your computer secure. You of course pay for the ads
when you buy the latest version of their FUD infested product. An you
bettah be happy with that, Boy.
There are two things that will free you and me from The Plantation:
- Building codes and occupancy permits for digital facilities
issued by professional building inspectors (code auditors) on
facilities whose plans are signed by licensed professional digital
architects (file structure designers), structural engineers (software
engineers), contractors and subcontractors (coders) backed by Duly
Constituted Public Authority
- Reliable identities of those licensed professionals,
established by enrollment professionals acting with Duly Constituted
Public Authority
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